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Plan Info

Health Partners Plans is dedicated to keeping our providers informed about our care management programs, internal processes, member benefits, and more.

  • Baby Partners: HPP's care coordination team supports members' health care needs throughout through pregnancy and postpartum.
  • Breast Pump Purchases and Rentals: HPP members are eligible to receive an electric breast pump after delivery and without prior authorization.
  • Fraud, Waste & Abuse Information and Reporting Hotline: Examples of fraud and abuse, as well as how to report suspected fraud, waste or abuse.
  • Member Rewards Programs: HPP's incentive programs for Health Partners (Medicaid), KidzPartners (CHIP) and Health Partners Medicare members.
  • Member Care FAQs: Information for providers on how HPP provides high quality health services for all our members.
  • Population Assessment: HPP releases annual member population data so your practice can be better prepared to meet our members’ needs.
  • Provider Newsletters: Provider Check Up, our quarterly newsletters provides information on provider services and support, member benefits, upcoming education and training opportunities, disease/condition reporting requirements and more.
  • Quality Management Resources: This page contains the most recent HEDIS reports, goals and other Quality resources.