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Tools and Resources

Provider Directory

Our online Provider Directory contains a full listing of participating providers. It is updated frequently.

Specialist Services

Health Partners Plans does not require Health Partners (Medicaid), KidzPartners and Health Partners Medicare members to get a referral for specialist visits.

We still consider the PCP to be the gatekeeper of care even when referrals are not required. When coordinating care, the PCP should continue to direct the member to a specialist who the PCP believes can best assist with the care needed. In return, it is extremely important for specialists to keep a patient’s assigned PCP informed of all care they provide their patient. This ensures that the PCP has the appropriate opportunity to manage the overall health of the patient as care is provided and that the patient (our member) benefits from the robust coordination of care.

Pharmacies That Offer Delivery

A number of participating pharmacies offer delivery for our members. Click here to download the list (Excel file). Please note: This is not a comprehensive list of pharmacies. This list will be updated annually.

Directory Updates

Our provider directory information is updated twice per week, based on our credentialing process for new providers, changes resulting from our recredentialing process (conducted every three years), and ad hoc changes sent to us from provider offices (e.g., new offices addresses, phone numbers, etc.). Listings are subject to change without notice.

For the most current information about our providers, call our Provider Helpline at 1-888-991-9023.