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Helpful Tips

Breastfeeding may be challenging at first and it may take a few weeks for you and your baby to get used to it, but don’t give up. It is normal for many new mothers and their babies to have a hard time at first. Keep working at it. Soon, you and your baby will be just fine.

Helpful Tips

  • Let your baby feed until he or she is satisfied. Babies typically feed for 10 to 20 minutes on each breast.
  • If your breasts feel heavy or full, it is probably time for another feeding.
  • Start with a different breast each time you feed your baby.
  • To stop feeding, gently slide your finger into your baby’s mouth and remove your breast.
  • Once your baby is finished feeding, burp him or her and then offer the other breast.

Our Baby Partners team is here to help you. Call Baby Partners at 215-967-4690 (TTY 1-877-454-8477) to request a doula (a specially trained caregiver) to come to your home and assist you with breastfeeding.