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Health Partners

Care Management for Health Partners

Health Partners (Medicaid) has a team of dedicated care managers who can help you achieve your health goals. Our wellness programs and events can help you get and stay healthy, too. With this support system, you can get on the right path to managing your health care needs.

Our care managers can connect you with health care services you need based on your age and gender. We can:

  • Schedule doctor’s appointments
  • Help you follow your doctor’s treatment plan
  • Connect you with community resources, such as food resources, legal aid and utility service payments
  • Connect you with behavioral health services near where you live
  • Explain your benefits and the services available to you
  • Reach out to you if you had a hospital stay to make sure you have had a safe discharge and you are able to follow your doctors’ instructions

Our care management programs include:

Baby Partners: Our maternity program assists moms-to-be from prenatal to post-delivery care. We also connect the newborn to the important first well-child visit. Baby Partners can help you with nutritional services, baby items like cribs, car seats and diapers, childcare and transportation. A Baby Partners care coordinator can help you find needed resources if you are experiencing depression or sadness.

Care Coordination: Care Coordination is designed for adults with multiple conditions, including physical and behavioral care needs. Your care coordinator will help you with everyday issues that prevent you from focusing on your health. They will link you to the right doctors and community groups that can help you with your needs.

Special Needs Unit: Our Special Needs Unit helps adults and children who self-identify a special health care need that may not be disease specific, but impacts your daily life. We will help you schedule needed appointments with specialists, including behavioral health, as well as connect you with needed community resources.

Healthy Kids: Our Healthy Kids team helps kids get the care they need. We connect children and young adults up to age 21 with health services that are age appropriate. We also help you manage chronic conditions such as asthma and diabetes. Our team can schedule doctor and dentist appointments, provide lead prevention guidance and connect you with community groups for everyday needs.


Our staff reaches out to members who may benefit from our care management programs. You can call contact us for help.

Call Member Relations today at 1-800-553-0784 (TTY 1-877-454-8477) to find out more about our programs and how we can help you achieve your health care goals. Member Relations is available 24/7.

All programs are voluntary and you may opt out at any time by calling Member Relations at 1-800-553-0784 (TTY 1-877-454-8477). Opting out does not affect your health care benefits in any way.