Frequently Asked Questions
What is CHIP?
CHIP stands for the Children's Health Insurance Program - Pennsylvania's program to provide health coverage to all children and teens who are uninsured and not eligible for Medical Assistance.
There are a lot of reasons kids might not have health insurance; maybe their parents lost a job, don't have health insurance at work or it simply just costs too much. Whatever the reason, CHIP may be able to help.
Is CHIP only available for low-income families?
No. In Pennsylvania, CHIP coverage is available to all uninsured kids and teens up to age 19 who are not eligible for Medical Assistance.
What's the cost for CHIP coverage?
For many families, it's free. Families with incomes above the free CHIP limits will pay low monthly premiums and copays for some services.
Who offers CHIP insurance coverage?
CHIP is administered by private health insurance companies that are licensed and regulated by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department and have contracts with the Commonwealth to offer CHIP coverage.
How long is my child covered once they are enrolled in CHIP?
Once enrolled, children are guaranteed 12 months of CHIP coverage unless they no longer meet the basic eligibility requirements. Families must renew their coverage every year in order to continue coverage. CHIP insurance companies send renewal notices 90 days before benefits expire, and families must fill out and send the renewal information back to their CHIP insurance company in order for benefits to continue.
I recently gained legal custody of my grandchildren. They are uninsured and need health benefits. Can I apply for CHIP for them?
Yes! As the legal guardian who is exercising care and control of the children, you can apply for CHIP.
Does CHIP have a waiting list?
No. There is no waiting list to enroll in CHIP.
Can I receive plan documents in another language? How can I speak with an interpreter?
If you would like to request a Member Handbook or other KidzPartners information in a language other than English, at no cost, please call KidzPartners’ Member Relations department at 1-888-888-1211 (TTY 1-877-454-8477).
If you need an interpreter for any language, including sign language, or if you require TTY services for your healthcare needs, Member Relations can help you. Just call 1-888-888-1211 (TTY 1-877-454-8477).
If you need an interpreter and you call Member Relations, we have an online interpreter service that can help you. This service provides over 140 languages and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is no cost to you for these services.
You will not have to make another telephone call to get this service. Member Relations will do this for you and will stay on the telephone with you. If you call the TTY line, you will be connected to a text telephone right away.
I have more questions. Can I talk to someone about CHIP?
Yes. We understand that learning all about insurance can seem complicated, but applying for CHIP is simple. KidzPartners is happy to answer your questions about CHIP.
Call 1-888-888-1211 (TTY 1-877-454-8477) to speak to a representative. We can also help you apply for CHIP.